Announcement of the winners of the Kyushu Orthodontic Society's next president and auditor elections

December 19, Reiwa 6

To all members of the Kyushu Orthodontic Society

Dear Regular Members,

Kyushu Orthodontic Society Election Management Committee

Chairman Toru Kitahara

Naoto Haruyama

Hitomi Tamura

In this election, the number of candidates did not exceed the number of seats up for election, so the candidates were elected without a vote. In accordance with Article 13 of the Kyushu Orthodontic Society President and Auditor Election Regulations, we announce the winners of the next president and auditor election as follows.

The chairman and auditors will be elected at the next general meeting in accordance with Article 14 of the Kyushu Orthodontic Society Constitution.


Chairman: Shoichi Miyawaki

Auditor: Mr. Ogura

Hiroyuki Ishikawa

(In order of filing, titles omitted)


Announcement of the presidential and auditor elections of the Kyushu Orthodontic Society

August 1, 2020

Kyushu Orthodontic Society

Dear Regular Members,

Kyushu Orthodontic Society Election Management Committee

Chairman Toru Kitahara

Naoto Haruyama

Hitomi Tamura

Announcement of the presidential and auditor elections of the Kyushu Orthodontic Society

We would like to inform you that the election for the next chairman and auditors to take office on April 1, 2025 will be held as follows.


Eligible candidates: In accordance with Article 3 of the Kyushu Orthodontic Society President and Auditor Election Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the "Election Regulations"), eligible candidates will be regular members of the society (who must join by March 31 of the year prior to the election year (March 31, 2024)) who are registered with the society.

Eligible Persons: Eligible persons shall be Councilors for the current term in accordance with Article 3 of the Election Rules.

Candidate application: In accordance with Articles 6 and 7 of the Election Regulations, candidates must submit their candidacy on the designated form, along with the signatures of two or more regular members who have recommended them (who joined by March 31 of the year prior to the election (March 31, 2024)) and the candidate's statement of intent, by registered mail to the Election Management Committee between August 16, 2024 and September 16, 2024 (postmark on that day is valid).

Notification of Candidates: In accordance with Article 8 of the Election Regulations, the Election Management Committee will notify eligible voters of the names of the candidates, the names of their recommenders, and the candidates' policies by mail and publicize them on its website by September 26, 2024.

Election method: The election will be conducted by secret ballot by mail from eligible voters from November 8, 2024 to November 15, 2024 (postmark on that day is valid), in accordance with Article 9 of the Election Regulations.

Vote counting: The vote counting will be conducted by two vote observers as stipulated in Article 11 of the Election Regulations, on November 21, 2024, at the Department of Orthodontics, Graduate School of Dental Science, Kyushu University.

Reporting and selection of election results: The election results will be published on the website in December 2024. The chair of the election management committee will report the results at the regular general meeting to be held in March 2025, and the winners will be selected and decided in accordance with Article 14 of the Kyushu Orthodontic Society regulations.

Address to send the candidature notification documents:

3-1-1 Umade, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka City, 812-0054

Kyushu University Graduate School of Dentistry

Oral Health Promotion Department Orthodontics Department Toru Kitahara

Kyushu Orthodontic Society Presidential Election Committee


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