【Conference Date】 March 4 (Saturday) to March 5 (Sun), 2023 (Reiwa 5)
(On-demand tournament streaming will be held from March 15th to 25th.)
[Venue] Nagasaki University School of Medicine Memorial Auditorium, Pompe Hall, Ryojun Hall, School of Medicine Basic Research Building
[Conference Main Theme] Limitations and possibilities of Orthodontic Treatment
1. Lecture (Nagasaki University School of Medicine Memorial Auditorium)
Reception Lecture March 4 (Saturday) 15:45-16:45
「The Evolution & Simplifying of Orthodontic Anchorage Devices and Appliances」
Dr. Dr. Chou Chih Chen (Vice President, Taiwan Orthodontic Society)
Special Lecture 1 March 4 (Saturday) 13:00-14:00
“What I learned from challenging the limits of orthodontic treatment”
Dr. Tomio Ikegami (Director of Ikegami Orthodontic Clinic)
Special Lecture 2 March 4 (Saturday) 14:10-15:10
“Challenging the limits of orthodontic treatment using removable anchor screws and the possibilities of newly developed anchor screws”
Dr. Yasuhiro Saimiya (Director of Smile Create Jingumae Orthodontics)
Special Lecture 3 March 5 (Sunday) 10:20-11:20
「Face Driven Orthodontics – Limitations and Possibilities of invisible orthodontic appliances which are affected by this concept」
Dr. Wilson Lee(Director, Smile Solution Orthodontics, Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
2. Japan-Taiwan Joint Seminar “Applications and prospects of biomechanics to clinical orthodontics”
・Dr. Takahiro Toritani (Kyushu University Graduate School of Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics)
・Dr. Ryo Hamanaka (Department of Orthodontics, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences)
・Dr. Sean Hsuan Lee (President and founder of Passion Dental Clinic, Taiwan)
3. Lectures related to new applications and renewal applications for certified doctors and instructors
Dr. Yasushi Nishii (Chairman, Certification Committee, Japanese Orthodontic Society / Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Tokyo Dental University)
4. Title
7 oral presentations (5 academics, 2 cases)
Academic exhibition (poster) 21 topics
Case exhibition (poster) 5 topics
Case report (desktop) 4 presentations
[Main venue] - Faculty of Medicine Memorial Auditorium
3month4Sunday (Sat)
12:50- Opening ceremony
13:00-14:00 Special Lecture 1 Dr. Tomio Ikegami (Director of Ikegami Orthodontic Clinic)
14:10-15:10 Special Lecture 2 Dr. Yasuhiro Saimiya (Director of Smile Create Jingumae Orthodontics)
15:20-15:35 Lecture related to new applications and renewal applications for certified doctors and instructors Dr. Yasushi Nishii (Tokyo Dental University, Department of Orthodontics)
15:35-15:45 Travel Award Ceremony
15:45-16:45 Invited lecture Dr. Chou Chih Chen (Vice President, Taiwan Orthodontic Society)
3month5day (day)
9:00-10:10 Oral presentation (7 topics)
10:20-11:20 Special Lecture 3 Dr. Wilson Lee (Director, SmileSolution Orthodontics, Hong Kong)
11:30-13:00 Japan-Taiwan joint seminar
13:00- Closing ceremony
[Academic Exhibition/Case Exhibition]-Ryojun Kaikan
March 4th (Saturday) 12:50-March 5th (Sunday) 13:00 Exhibition (March 4th 17:00-18:00 Presentation and Q&A)
[Trading company exhibition] - Pompe Hall
March 4th (Sat) 12:50 - March 5th (Sun) 13:00
[Case report display/certification renewal case review] - Faculty of Medicine Basic Research Building 1st floor Seminar Room (1-5)
Saturday, March 4th 12:50-18:00 Exhibition
Sunday, March 5th 9:00-12:00 Screening and oral examination